This section is for profiles or close-ups of nose/tail art that you make. A good how to on making your own profiles on your computer was written by Vernon Rabbetts and can be found here on the Large Scale Planes website we both used to work on.

I am making profile drawings that you can use, they are linked below...BEWARE, they are large .jpeg's, 3,000 pixles wide. Larger files are easier to work with, then you export them in smaller sizes. Give it a try, it's a lot of fun.

Three profiles by Vernon Rabbetts
Three profiles by Jean-Louis Couston
One profile by Rich Dann
Two profiles by John Lama
One profile by Vernon Rabbetts
One profile by Jean-Louis Couston
Seven profiles by Vernon Rabbetts

Joel Naprstek sent in artwork of a P-40E Flying Tiger

Joel Naprstek sent in artwork on Col. Scott as well as a photo of himself with Col. Scott

Jean-Louis Couston has some beautiful artwork of the Flying Tigers

Lyle Brown sent in some really nice artwork of a P-40E and the markings of an Aleutian Tiger

Dave O'Malley sent in some banners of James "Stocky" Edwards and some information on their museum Vintage Wings of Canada

Francisco Castracane sent in a very nice piece of Flying Tiger artwork

Piotr Dubowik painted P-40N "White 165"- "Little Jeep" of 1Lt Forrest F Parham, China 1944