Title: Restored P-40F takes to the air Post by: Mark Joyce on April 24, 2009, 10:52:02 AM Here's a link with some photographs:
http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/showthread.php?t=90136 To the best of my knowledge this is the only airworthy P-40F in existence. I believe the only other remaining example of a Merlin-powered P-40 is the unrestored airframe of a P-40L in Italy. I'm excited that there was the persistence, patience, and desire to have a P-40F take to the air again, a first in probably over 60 years. It would be a sight to experience in person! Mark Title: Re: Restored P-40F takes to the air Post by: Vince_M on April 29, 2009, 11:41:18 AM That is fantastic. The P-40F looks beautiful.
I'm so glad that every major model of the Warhawk has survived. I sent Judy an email a few weeks ago asking about status. Now I can see why she was too busy to respond! |