P-40 Warhawk Forums

P-40 Warhawk Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: iaclmac on August 26, 2009, 11:22:23 AM

Post by: iaclmac on August 26, 2009, 11:22:23 AM
Hi all .... Ok I have been doing a little research and I have found information on a twin engine version of the P-40.  It is my understanding that this was done only as a "mock-up" and never put into production.  I have seen a couple of pics and a few pics of a small plasitc model.  What I am hoping to do is to make an actual flying RC model of this aircraft.  In order to do justice to the plane, I am searching for either a 3-view drawing or an actual measured drawing of this twin engine P-40.  Can anyone out there shed some light on wnat I am looking for?