Title: P-40 Delivery by Carrier Ranger in May 1942 to Accra Africa Post by: ArmyAirCorpBrat on March 22, 2012, 09:06:37 PM First Lt. David W. Wallace was number 4 to take off, following Lt. Col. John E. Barr the CO of 33rd Pursuit into Africa, and onto Karachi to join 10th AF and 51st Fighter Group. I am interested in any information on this trip across the Atlantic, and across Africa and Asia to Karchi.
Title: Re: P-40 Delivery by Carrier Ranger in May 1942 to Accra Africa Post by: Mark Joyce on March 24, 2012, 10:35:02 PM Carl Molesworth briefly mentions the trip in his book, "Sharks Over China." I'll see if I can dig up more information that might be useful.
Mark Title: Re: P-40 Delivery by Carrier Ranger in May 1942 to Accra Africa Post by: Buckeye30 on May 13, 2012, 04:11:43 PM This link shows the ferry routes from US trans-Africa to the Far East. Date was 30 June 1942. I have a more detailed one of the Accra-Cairo one if you want it.
Regards Nick http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AAF/I/maps/AAF-I-11.jpg |