P-40 Warhawk Forums

P-40 Warhawk Forums => P-40’s Today => Topic started by: Vince_M on November 03, 2014, 10:05:53 PM

Title: Collings Foundation P-40 Tomahawk landing accident
Post by: Vince_M on November 03, 2014, 10:05:53 PM
The previous thread here on "P-40's Today" was about the plane coming to the Collings Foundation from TFC.
It is a Pearl Harbor veteran.

This is bad news as there are only four of these early P-40 types flying.
Fortunately, the pilot was alright and this can be repaired.

http://www.aero-news.net/aNNTicker.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=aa36b53e-6f7a-4217-b13b-088d50c12d0e (http://www.aero-news.net/aNNTicker.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=aa36b53e-6f7a-4217-b13b-088d50c12d0e)

I'll throw this out there:
Since this is a rare P-40 and a Pearl Harbor veteran, should it be in a museum and not flying???

Title: Re: Collings Foundation P-40 Tomahawk landing accident
Post by: Jim on November 05, 2014, 06:24:55 AM
Very difficult to answer that one.

Do we deprive future generations of seeing and hearing the beauty of these old warbirds or do we keep them flying.

To see and hear a P40, Spitfire, Corsair etc in the air, is an unforgettable experience, so in my view keep them flying.

Maybe we should clone them all and fly the clones, not as silly as that may sound, you can if you have the money, buy a new Spitfire!
Me 262, FW190 new builds are out there.