Title: Italeri P-40E/K in 1/48 scale Post by: xray4277 on May 27, 2019, 02:05:55 AM Just found this, is it a completely new kit or a reissue? Looks interesting as it comes with decals for 6 different models and you can build it with the modified tail fin of the early K variants.
https://www.italeri.com/en/prodotto/2812/1/1000 (https://www.italeri.com/en/prodotto/2812/1/1000) Gotta get one! And just as I thought I was reducing the number of kits on my 'to do' list.... Title: Re: Italeri P-40E/K in 1/48 scale Post by: Mark Joyce on May 27, 2019, 05:41:19 AM It's a reissue with new decals, although there has been discussion over on the Aussie modeller forums that they have some accuracy issues:
http://www.aussiemodeller.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15172 Title: Re: Italeri P-40E/K in 1/48 scale Post by: xray4277 on May 27, 2019, 06:51:54 PM Oh that's OK then. I won't obsess about things like that and I'm sure I can cobble together a reasonably accurate model!