Title: P-40E-1 identification lights Post by: 172normandyafv@gmail.com on December 29, 2022, 05:40:34 PM Hi, my name is Danilo Carli and I have a question.
As far as I've found, the RAF type identification lights were present on the H-87A and on the firsts 800 P-40E-1, although the last serial number indicated (41-36353/ET999) corresponds to the 900th P-40E-1 and not at the 800th. After this 800 (or 900) P-40E-1s, the identification lights used were the US type, but I've seen two different types. The first is the type placed under the fuselage used for sure on the P-40N. I've seen it also on a P-40L, but it is a restored plane and I prefer use WW2 photos as references. The second type has the three lights under the starboard fillet. Does someone knows which one is correct for the late production P-40E-1? Thanks in advance, Danilo |