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1  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Does anyone know If there ever was a P-40M named Reckless Prostitute? on: August 11, 2014, 12:03:53 PM
Hello, I have a Mauve kit which is a P-40M with Reckless Prostitute decals.
I know the P-40F known as destitute/Reckless Prostitute but did that pilot
have another later a/c , a P-40M. My intial feelings are these decals are fake.
Anyone know?


2  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40’s in WWII / Looking for information & markings on Major Matt Gordon's P-40 The Nipponese Nem on: June 20, 2012, 01:58:07 PM
Hello, I've seen just one pic of the front end of a P-40 either E or K? with sharkmouth named "The Nipponese Nemesis" of 23rd Fighter.  Other information on web states flown by Major Matt Gordon of Pueblo , Colorado. Looking for more more information about pilot and markings as serial or group tail number and camo. Would be great to model his aircraft.  Other information states pilot didn't survive the war and was perhaps engaged to the women known as "the black Dahlia".  Any information appreciated on this hero and his aircraft. thanks 
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