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16  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / 1/72 Academy P-40E Zelenov Nikolay on: November 28, 2019, 02:48:46 AM
30 individual and 12 total victories in 1943, of which 25 - on P-40! This plane is painted in non-standard camouflage and initial American Identity Marks shaded. Also has traces of damage repair in battle (Leningrad Front, april 1942).
Prototype -
17  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Hobby Boss 1/72 - Tomahawk Mk.IIb of 20th GvIAP VVS USSR, Aleksei Khlobystov on: November 28, 2019, 02:18:20 AM
18  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Hobby Boss 1/72 - Tomahawk Mk.IIb of 20th GvIAP VVS USSR, Aleksei Khlobystov on: November 10, 2019, 03:07:49 AM
Thank you, Mark! I'm working on Zelenov’s P-40E...
19  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Hobby Boss 1/72 - Tomahawk Mk.IIb of 20th GvIAP VVS USSR, Aleksei Khlobystov on: November 05, 2019, 08:41:14 PM
Beautiful job on that!!
20  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Hobby Boss 1/72 - Tomahawk Mk.IIb of 20th GvIAP VVS USSR, Aleksei Khlobystov on: November 05, 2019, 07:48:38 PM
21  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Hobby Boss 1/72 - Tomahawk Mk.IIb of 20th GvIAP VVS USSR, Aleksei Khlobystov on: November 05, 2019, 07:41:43 PM
22  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Hobby Boss 1/72 - Tomahawk Mk.IIb of 20th GvIAP VVS USSR, Aleksei Khlobystov on: November 05, 2019, 07:40:27 PM
About ace:
23  P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Re: P-40E or P-40E-1? on: September 20, 2019, 11:08:09 PM
I have only one photo with Inverse color scheme. But this P-40K (Alaska, sending to the USSR), not P-40E/Kittyhawk!
Is the bottom here Neutral Gray, not "Sky"?
24  P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Re: P-40E or P-40E-1? on: September 20, 2019, 10:50:05 PM
Thanks, Mark! P-40D/Kittyhawk MK.I was not sent to the USSR, only P-40E/Kittyhawk MK.IA.
I also decided that this is the P-40E. Because of the mirror.
The border color seems clear, is not it? Сompared. But there is no stencil line! And the question remains inverted camouflage scheme... Are there any other examples of such a color (DE/DG) change?

25  P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Re: P-40E or P-40E-1? on: September 14, 2019, 04:04:05 PM
more. is there any other examples of this painting?
26  P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / P-40E or P-40E-1? on: September 14, 2019, 04:03:11 PM
Hello gentlemen! Need help identifying a former American or British aircraft?
154th Fighter Regiment/29th Guards Fighter Regiment, Leningrad Front 1942-1943.
1. Mirror in the cabin, not on top.
2. Which gunsight?
3. Non-standard paint scheme.
- is it possible to determine the modification by these criteria?
Sorry for my English, my native language is different...
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