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1  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Another 85th FS/79th FG P-40F started, 1/72 Special Hobby on: November 11, 2023, 08:13:13 AM
Thanks, Vince. I’ve noticed that it’s really in need of a vacuform sliding canopy section. That kit one is a monstrosity!
2  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Another 85th FS/79th FG P-40F started, 1/72 Special Hobby on: November 08, 2023, 01:22:13 AM
I'm having some trouble attaching the photos.  Hopefully these two work.
3  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Another 85th FS/79th FG P-40F started, 1/72 Special Hobby on: November 07, 2023, 12:23:02 PM
Finally finished this one, although not with the markings I had originally planned. Instead, I used the Kitsworld decals.  Unfortunately, its 79th FG decals are inaccurate, this one being no exception.  "Fifinella" was on X24, not X21 per Kitsworld, which was the P-40F flown by 85th FS pilot Lt. Robert Taylor.  I had held off on this build because his P-40F, like most others of the 85th, likely had some name in white just under the exhausts, but from the only full profile photograph I have of his plane in flight (which, according to Murphy's Law, was of course taken from the opposite side that the "Fifinella" artwork was on!) it appears it had none when said photo was taken.  I've been hoping that another would turn up, but at this point I think it's highly unlikely.

The Special Hobby P-40F kit is okay, but I've been spoiled by its new-tooled P-40 releases; unfortunately the F/L not being one of them.  The necessary photo-etch parts were especially troublesome for me, since being 72nd scale were quite difficult for me to handle.  
4  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Parrot Head - no not about Jimmy Buffet on: October 21, 2023, 08:19:40 AM
Your attention to detail is amazing, Vince!
5  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Parrot Head - no not about Jimmy Buffet on: September 24, 2023, 07:01:58 AM
Nice work on the prop, Vince!
6  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40’s in WWII / Re: P-40 documentary on: June 10, 2023, 09:01:49 AM
Very interesting videos, especially in regards to the different variants and Curtiss’s attempts to improve the P-40 and its performance.  Thanks for sharing the links.
7  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Parrot Head - no not about Jimmy Buffet on: May 22, 2023, 12:16:05 AM
Nice work, Vince!  Lots of detail there.
8  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 85th FS/79th FG P-40L started on: May 22, 2023, 12:12:54 AM
Finally finished this one, but with different markings than originally planned since I wasn't able to get those decals made. I also noticed after I had painted it that they wouldn't have worked anyways, because the camo scheme on that P-40L appears to be reversed from the standard.   However, I was able to get decals for "Blue Goose II", which is a P-40F from the 85th FS and flown by Lt. John G. Hoagland.  
9  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Parrot Head - no not about Jimmy Buffet on: May 05, 2023, 10:31:20 PM
Looking good!
10  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: And another 85th FS P-40F started, this a 1/32 Hasegawa conversion on: April 20, 2023, 10:25:26 PM
Thanks Vince.  The seat belts are Eduard's Steel ones, included with its 1/32 Look set for the P-40F.

Interesting; I can see the old photos on my phone but not on my laptop for some reason.
11  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: And another 85th FS P-40F started, this a 1/32 Hasegawa conversion on: April 19, 2023, 09:41:44 PM
Hmm.  All my previous photos here seem to have disappeared Shocked  Hopefully these ones of the finally finished model will make it.

Edit:  They appear to have.  P-40F flown by Capt. John R. Anderson of the 85th Fighter Squadron/79th Fighter Group.  Finally got some custom decals made.
12  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 1/72 Special Hobby RAAF 76 Sqdn. P-40N on: November 29, 2022, 11:43:22 PM
It looks fantastic, Vince!  It really has a weathered look. I think the tire tread is fine.
13  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 1/72 Special Hobby RAAF 76 Sqdn. P-40N on: September 25, 2022, 10:47:15 PM
Looking great, Vince!
14  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 1/72 Special Hobby RAAF 76 Sqdn. P-40N on: August 27, 2022, 07:59:27 AM
Nice save!  I always dread having issues arise near the end of a build, when so much time and effort have been put into it.

I can almost guarantee that I have some 1/72 RAAF roundels laying around someplace that I'll never use. Next time (and hopefully there is no next time under the same circumstances), just ask!
15  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 1/72 Special Hobby RAAF 76 Sqdn. P-40N on: March 03, 2022, 08:28:41 AM
Looking good!
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