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16  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 1/72 Special Hobby RAAF 76 Sqdn. P-40N on: January 29, 2022, 10:52:36 PM
Splendid work so far, Vince!  I have that decal sheet too.  If I recall correctly, I used its markings for Joel Paris' P-40N on my build of his plane.
17  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Great Wall Hobby P-40B Tomahawk in 1/32 on: December 14, 2021, 08:51:14 AM
Be sure to post in-progress photos of your build once you get around to starting it!
18  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 1/72 Special Hobby P-40N on: November 23, 2021, 09:17:04 AM
Looks like you're off to a good start, Vince!  Have you decided on which markings for it?
19  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: 1/72 Special Hobby P-40N on: August 03, 2021, 09:33:38 PM
I've built the "E" and feel these new Special Hobby kits are the best P-40 kits in any scale for exactly the reasons you mention.  I wish Special Hobby would re-tool its "F/L" kit, which is definitely earlier-generation and not nearly as refined.
20  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Great deal on Airfix 1/72 tomahawk on: May 24, 2021, 10:11:24 PM
Nice snag!  Unfortunately, there's not a Hobby Lobby close to me so I'd make up whatever savings from the sale with gas money.
21  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: And another 85th FS P-40F started, this a 1/32 Hasegawa conversion on: May 06, 2021, 09:42:14 PM
Finally got the paint on this thing.  I used the Real Colors by AK WW2 RAF Desert Colors, fading the Dark Earth with some white.  I'm impressed with Real Colors and they will likely be my go-to paint, at least for airbrushing, especially since Model Master is no longer being produced.  I think once the weathering is in place, especially the exhaust stains, any issues I had with installing the resin nose won't be as noticeable.
22  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40’s Today / Re: Flying the P-40N Kittyhawk on: April 24, 2021, 12:00:01 AM
Thanks for the link!  A very informative video.  I almost felt like I was flying it myself.
23  P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Re: windscreen and canopy on: April 12, 2021, 09:29:59 PM
I think it's just the angle that the photograph was taken, as well as distortion caused by the light, which is causing it to appear a little off.  Here's one from my collection, 80th FG pilot Robert Gale in a P-40N cockpit, for comparison:

24  P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Re: windscreen and canopy on: April 11, 2021, 11:12:14 PM
I'm not seeing a photograph.  Did you mean to attach one?
25  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40’s in WWII / Re: 79th fighter group P-40s on: March 02, 2021, 10:56:10 PM
A P-40L named "Ann" from the 85th FS.  That rudder artwork had previously been released by Pyn-up decals, although it appears they didn't have access to a full side profile since no name for the nose was included.  The photo that Pyn-up used also had a different version of the national insignia, so it's possible that photo was taken at a different time than these.

These photographs are from 85th FS pilot Robert Kelley's collection via his son Peter Kelley.  Although that's Robert Kelley standing by the nose in the second photograph, I don't think X28 was his assigned aircraft.

26  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40’s in WWII / Re: 79th fighter group P-40s on: February 27, 2021, 10:51:41 PM
Here are some photographs of a P-40F named "CAROL-E," flown by Lt. George St. Maur Maxwell of the 86th FS and named after his niece.  S/Sgt Merritt "Boots" Pulis was the crew chief and Cpl. Windsor Nordin the armorer.

Photos courtesy of "Soninlaw71."  More information and photographs of Maxwell can be found here:

27  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40 Models / Re: Great Wall Hobby P-40B Tomahawk in 1/32 on: January 11, 2021, 11:00:17 PM
It looks very nice.  Unfortunately for me, I've moved away from the larger scales due to cost, display, and storage issues.
28  P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Re: New book on: December 22, 2020, 11:26:29 PM
One of my favorites.  Very well written with lots of first-person accounts from the pilots.  I believe that its author, Russell Brown, had initially planned on writing a companion volume for events after North Africa but ultimately decided against it.  I'm disappointed that he didn't.
29  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40’s Today / Re: New P 40 in scale from Italy on: November 20, 2020, 10:14:25 AM
Hello everyone I'm looking for the internal paint codes of the various P 40 models do you know where they can be found?

Unfortunately, I'm not too knowledgeable about those paint codes.  If you don't get a response here, I can recommend the forums of two other websites that I know have people who might have this information:  https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/hyperscale/plane-talking-hyperscale-s-aircraft-scale-model-di-f149674/ and https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/forum/23-wwii/
30  P-40 Warhawk Forums / P-40’s in WWII / New Zealand P-40s on: September 20, 2020, 10:49:28 PM
Peter Mossong has an informative website about P-40s in New Zealand service, here:
One of the most famous, and most modeled, P-40s is "Gloria Lyons," the name being applied to three different P-40s (as well as one F4U-1A).  Peter has a great section on the history of "Gloria Lyons." 

Of interest is that the last P-40N named "Gloria Lyons" survived the war and, after being passed from one owner to another and one location to another, will now, finally, be put on display (where and in what condition, I'm uncertain).  Here's a link over on Britmodeller about it, and if one scrolls down will find some recently taken photographs of the airframe in its current condition, with interesting information especially about the colors:
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