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P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Egyptian P-40s
on: May 01, 2013, 01:50:18 AM
Hi! Are there any photos of REAF (Egyptian) P-40s? I found just one photo about REAF P-40. If there are some photos of these, please give me a link where I find these. If you think there are no more photos of REAF P-40s, please tell me. I don't want to search unnecessary without any results.
P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / brazilian P-40s
on: January 03, 2011, 02:17:20 PM
Hi! First of all: Happy New Year! Second: Have you got any information about colours of brazilian P-40s? Mainly I'm interested in cockpit and wheel well inside colours. Thank you for your replies.
P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Re: Subtype identification
on: September 21, 2010, 01:35:48 PM
Hello! Thank you for the reply. At first sight I said these planes were R models. But I didn't know F or L models had dorsal fillet. That's the reason why I'm not sure in this. Another question: There were any F or L models with dorsal fillet? I apologize you for the 'brainstorming'.
P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / Subtype identification
on: September 17, 2010, 03:48:07 PM
Hello! I found some photos, but I couldn't identify the model of the plane. I think they have a short fuselage in most of cases (I can't see well in every photos), with dorsal fillet like the late E, early K type; but there is a perforated grill (for carburetor bypass air) just forward of the exhaust. Because of it the planes seem like an M or N version. Are this modifications just appear on some planes or it was a general factory rebuilding of early types with Allison V-1710-81 engines? And which subtype were these? For example in this site / WW2 era photos / first photo of Lawrence Dietz 23 photos Thank you for your replies.
P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / turkish P-40B/C
on: June 23, 2010, 02:54:54 AM
Hello! Could anybody give me some information (or a good 3D drawing) about turkish P-40B/C antenna wires? There was an antenna mast on the fuselage, but I don't know wheter antenna wires were between the mast and vertical stabilizer; or were between the wingtips and vertical stabilizer? Or the wires were in the all places? Had the turkish P-40's U.S. type pitot tube or british type (cranked) pitot tube? Can anybody send public photos about turkish P-40's or can give me a link? Thanks for your replies.
P-40 Warhawk Forums / General Discussion / RAF colours in North Africa
on: May 13, 2010, 02:09:32 AM
Hello! I have some questions: - The RAF P-40's in North Africa had been paint in the Curtiss factory or in Britain/North Africa? Which colours did they wear: the standard RAF colours (Dark Earth/Mid Stone/Azure Blue) in British paints, or other similar US paints? -The early 'K' versions (with 'dorsal fillet') had yellow stripes on the leading edge? If they had, what was the right position? (I'm interesting in the plane of Haupt-Fleisch, but any other plane is interesting for me.) That plane (DB o H) had british os US type pitot tube? Thanks for your replies.