Just finished this one in time for the new year. The markings are for the P-40N flown by Major Donald Quigley of the 75th FS/23rd FG. Major Quigley scored his 5th victory on 5 August '44, but just a few days later was shot down by ground fire while flying this airplane and spent the rest of the war as a POW.
This is the 48th scale Hasegawa kit. Enough has been said about these kits, but one thing I noticed while building it are a couple inaccuracies for a P-40N (for instance, I don't believe it had the formation lights on the fuselage just forward and below the cockpit).
I need to work more on my weathering. Much of what I did seems to have disappeared under the clear coats.
Anyway, thanks for looking and a Happy New Year to all!
(Yikes, just realized I have the sliding canopy backwards in the photographs!)
