The question says it all: In your opinion, which P-40/Kittyhawk variant that saw service (so the P-40Q doesn't count!) was the "best." So this begs (another) question: what is "best?" I'll leave
that definition up to each person who votes!

Here's your chance, if you wish, to argue your decision.
I separated the P-40F and P-40L since, in my opinion, there were enough differences to separate the two variants even though they were quite similar. I did not do the same with the P-40B and P-40C, or P-40D and P-40E, because I didn't feel there were enough differences to warrant it; if you feel different then tell why.
This is just an informal poll on a matter I sometimes think about, and am curious as to what others think. And, for now, I'll leave
my opinion on which was best to myself!