Hello, I am seeking a good image and coor details to a emblem used by the 74th Fighter Squadron , it was an Unofficial one, it depicts a cartoonish goofy looking pilot/possibly a Gorrilla wearing leather flight helmet w/goggles and he's holding a 50caliber machine gun down alongside his body and it's trailing a short ammo belt, he's riding a goofy looking Horse at full gallop and the design is on a round background.
I have found only two blurry photos of this emblem, one was black and white of a "sign" like type either metal/wood propped on the running board of an Army truck, the other was of a color shot of an actual "leather" unit patch ,This patch may have been with the "AVG" or the latter 23rd FG when the AVG was taken over by it. I would greatly appreciate anyone who can help me find a good clear image of this emblem and the colors to the design and will gladly make them a Free Leather patch of the emblem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your time and efforts and I await replies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a Great day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The emblem in question can be seen here, cbi-history.com/part_ib.html
Once you get the main page ,click the 23rd Fighter Group/1st Pursuit/74th Ftr Sqd , it will go to a page that shows a bunch of 74th emblems, the Horse/Rider version is next to the "Gorrilla" design on the left side.