The photoetch canopy rails I found at a model show vendor were really very necessary.
The kit did not have any rails so having an open canopy would not look great.
So I put them in but spent a lot of time and it nearly drove me nuts.
Mainly my eyesight is not a good as when I was a little younger...

You can see here that I have had to add some strip styrene so that the rails will be deep enough from the fuselage sides.
I got lucky as the strip I had on hand was just right in thickness.
First, I had to "tack" them in place and then follow up with superglue.

Here is the result. I'm happy but it sucked up a lot to time and the model show is not far off now.
Good news is that the cockpit area will be done soon and I will be able to add the wing and finish the "body work" prior to primer.