Title: French P-40 Post by: hindi on April 16, 2008, 02:40:27 AM Hello,
I am a french author and I am working to ECPAD (photo and film archives of the French army). I seek any information (pictures and movies) on the french P40 used by the Free French forces of the "Lafayette group" in North Africa from 1943 to 1944. Where can we find in the USA archives on P-40 french? I am also looking for pilots and personnel (or postal mail address) 33rd Fighter Group or other units who worked with the pilots and mechanics of the Lafayette Escadrille between November 1942 and late 1944. Thanks for the help that you can help me. Sorry for my English. Hindi Title: Re: French P-40 Post by: P-40 Admin on April 16, 2008, 06:50:33 AM After your e-mail, one place I thought of that you could contact would be the Air Force museum, they might have some of the information you’re looking for. I don’t have their contact information, but it shouldn’t be hard to find on the net.